The LEUGUE is LOOKING for you if u can spare some devoted hrs on the 2RAW. We continuesly look for skilled people. So if u have certain skills please contact us.
Specific were atm in need for:
Managers of Racetrack (in order to run regular races at the upper track)
Club owners (aim is to have clubs running so we have as close to 24/7 coverage as possible. U keep the renevue from the club)
Managers of Mall and other rentals (service is key to get shops running good)
DJ's for the different clubs (will be on weekly schedule fitting ur requirements)
Having creative and fun time is the main focus of the league. Limitations is a unknown word. All jobs will be payed according ur skills and engagement. Normal a DJ get between 500 and 800 L$ for a set. Skills for the manager jobs are not more complicated than it can be learned fast. As Mall manager you will focus on service for existing renters and getting new shop renters.
League is other words looking for ur devotion. Schedules is set by you, just in order to make somekind of timetables.
Contact Tudy Araw or Xray Haller if ure interested or write a comment.
Hope to hear from u*)