Tuesday, September 30, 2008

suggestions and ideas :)

Questions first lol
  • Is there a plan outline in place for the direction the staff wants to see the sim go in?
  • Is there a guideline sheet with the basics in place for current and potential club owners or investors to be given so they see the organization of sim management?
Marketing seems to be the kety for the lock that's keeping this sim from flourishing and staying populated daily :)

Can we have a staff meeting sometime soon in order to get serious, get ideas out on the table and into play so we can all do a lil work ... once it all starts to happen we can enjoy free time a little becuase we won't be working so hard each day to push to get people into the sim and instead it'll run itself as a recurring thing.
not only will we be afforded some time to enjoy the sim with loads of other people, but the profits will be a nice side benefit lol


  1. DAM SURE HUN ...lets have a meeting asap*)

  2. would be nice with a stregthened organisation with plans and guidelines
