Sunday, March 8, 2009

NEED of a BAR?

Bar and lamps cheap for sale at the 777 club YAYA. Just made it*)

If you like and have logo I can put it in for you.


Saturday, March 7, 2009


Prize has been lowered on the shown Txt cars. We reduced them by 1000 L$.
Prizes from 299 L$ to 899 L$.

Check them at the showroom

Mason Thorne @ 2raw the 21st of March

Mason Thorne @ 2raw at 1pm

Mason Thorne will be taking the stage at 2raw at 1pm. Mason will be the first live singer to perform at 2raw, so please come along and show him a huge 2raw support! Mason will be playing for tips only, so we would appreciate if you brought some lindens along with you:) Mason plays acoustic guitar and sings, mostly folk songs, he is also a very funny guy, you don't want to miss this event :)
Thanks for your support!

SLURL for Mason Thorne event:

Friday, February 6, 2009

^Spire's Love^ NEW BAR open at 2RAW

Check out ^Spire's Love^ the new hang out bar at 2RAW.  A cozy place made by one the founders of the 777 LEAGUE and 2raw: Cortney Spire. Best draft beer in SL served here. 

SLURL for Spires LOVE:

Friday, January 30, 2009


Coming Saturday Feb. 7th at 3PM SLT very popular singer and songwriter Starflower Orbit performs at 2RAW.  In the 777 Club. 

Starflower writes records and produces all original songs in her home studio. She made a fantastic performance recently at PAL, with live original pop songs from her Cd "Starmaps". 

More info about Starflower at: 

SLURL for 777 Club:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

MOCKUP for Urban Development Forum is working on an online public service that enhance the involvement of public in the physical development of the urban fabric. 

The idea is to create a place for public involvement and discussion of the future development of selected urban areas. This is made possible by using a combination of online applications like SL, blog and video. The area selected will be a matrice of 256 x 256 m (equal of a SL sim). 
Anybody will be able to come up with their own suggestion rezzed on a siteplan platform at different levels. 

As test project the LM project by architect Steven Holl has been chosen. The test site has been rezzed at 2raw. If the project becomes funded, it will be moved for a new sim (island). And if the test proves a succes, this forum can be used in architectural competitions in order to open up for public ideas and proposals for the future development of the city. 

Today, the public is often unaware of important issues concerning the development of the city. This service is a way to reengage the public in the development of the physical environment. 

The LM project casestudy is made in collaboration with Emily Hifeng.

We are still trying to get more precise information about the future LM project in order to visualize the idea according to architect's concept. You can see more about the Steven Holl proposal on CPH CITY & PORT DEVELOPMENT (By og Havn) website:

You can expirence the site as it looks today and see the project by Steven Holl at:

updates and a major cut on the lag in the sim :D

in the last few days, i've gone over what feels like every surface from the ground up to just below the theater. lol oh my eyes...

Here's what seems to have helped so far:
-Glow surfaces have been brought down to .10 or lower (Suggestion to Vendors: be careful please with glow over .10 and particle usage please) :D
-textures that are on surface noone will ever see have been blanked and made black, removing full bright and glow

-textures on edges of prims (such as top edge on a wall, ends, etc) have been cleaned up
-particle emitters have been reduced

-display vehicles have had the scripts pulled from them

I've tested how things now look in regards to lag. My viewer settings i set at equal to what most newbies or visitors might be set to (view distance of 256, particles on, etc) and everything is rezzing quickly as well as the race track running smooth without jumpy lag pockets.
I've also talked to Zzen Dagger about next bike giveaway, in the next few days, let's work out the details on how to do it!
We have a working raffle ball to use, just need a date, time and i'll start on the textures for advertising it :) then i can also get it posted to the events calendar.
There's the current update!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Racetrack have become SL Showcase

We're happy that our track have become a Second Life Showcase. At last LL have found the most outstanding sim in SL. LOL

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New swords combat arena

New year. New struggles. New arena for Sword fight down by the docks. Check it out. Dont show up unarmed*)