The idea is to create a place for public involvement and discussion of the future development of selected urban areas. This is made possible by using a combination of online applications like SL, blog and video. The area selected will be a matrice of 256 x 256 m (equal of a SL sim).
Anybody will be able to come up with their own suggestion rezzed on a siteplan platform at different levels.
As test project the LM project by architect Steven Holl has been chosen. The test site has been rezzed at 2raw. If the project becomes funded, it will be moved for a new sim (island). And if the test proves a succes, this forum can be used in architectural competitions in order to open up for public ideas and proposals for the future development of the city.
Today, the public is often unaware of important issues concerning the development of the city. This service is a way to reengage the public in the development of the physical environment.
The LM project casestudy is made in collaboration with Emily Hifeng.

We are still trying to get more precise information about the future LM project in order to visualize the idea according to architect's concept. You can see more about the Steven Holl proposal on CPH CITY & PORT DEVELOPMENT (By og Havn) website: http://www.byoghavn.dk/city_sections/marmormolen-uk.htm
and on Steven Holls website: http://www.stevenholl.com/project-detail.php?type=mixeduse&id=106&page=0
You can expirence the site as it looks today and see the project by Steven Holl at: http://slurl.com/secondlife/2raw/233/157/896

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